Monday, March 16, 2015

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3, Testing!

With the advent of Spring comes annual standardized testing in our schools. At the end of this time everything else seems to come to a halt! Teachers and students alike have no more energy or motivation to move forward with any enthusiasm into the last 6 weeks of school.

This is what I call TESTING FATIGUE which is not unlike Battle Fatigue.

Battle Fatigue is a military term used to categorize a range of behaviors resulting from the stress of battle which decrease the combatant's fighting efficiency. The most common symptoms are fatigue, slower reaction times, indecision, disconnection from one's surroundings, and inability to prioritize

All we have to do is substitute a few words and we have Testing Fatigue. . .

Testing Fatigue is an education term used to categorize a range of behaviors resulting from the stress of testing which decreases the student's learning efficiency. The most common symptoms are fatigue, slower reaction times, indecision, disengagement from learning environment, and inability to prioritize and complete assignments.

Hmm. . .

Sound familiar? The problem is that BOTH students and teachers experience Testing Fatigue! 

This is why a lot of movies are shown during the last weeks of school.

How do we treat Testing Fatigue? Let's look at how Battle Fatigue is treated.

"In the military, therapy starts with prevention by training and providing good morale and support. Simple procedures like providing adequate rest, food and shelter are important. Relaxation exercises have a role as does critical event debriefing.
Once a service member has deteriorated beyond this they are usually relieved of duty and given support, dry clothes, food and rest. When appropriate they are given supportive counseling aimed at their speedy recovery. Some are prescribed psychotropic medications and simply discharged."

Okay. How much of this can we apply to Testing Fatigue? I just hope we don't have to resort to psychotropic drugs!