I am SO relieved! Our oldest son, Christopher, just finished a 5.5 hour drive to his aunt and uncle's house in Tallahasse, our state's capitol - BY HIMSELF! He's a good driver, and he's driven it before following one of us in his own car, but today, he left the house for the weekend on his own. As most of you with teenage drivers know, this is a frightening prospect, but it is a milestone and one that I'm glad we've reached. After all, driving from Seminole to Tallahassee, almost 300 miles, by yourself is something to be proud of.
He stopped and called me every 1.5 hours to check in, and it helped ease my anxious heart.
He's about to turn 18, and the milestones are coming fast and furious, just like they did when he was an infant, baby, and toddler.

We've taught him so much. . . but have we taught him enough?