Are you ready?
I'm certainly not, and school starts for my children on August 7! The school supplies lists are starting to appear earlier and earlier like Christmas decorations in October. They litter the displays in discount and department stores, office suppliers and malls.
As prepared as we want our children to be for the first weeks of school, I have a real problem with these lists.
Over the next few posts I want to let you in on a well kept secret - constitutionally states are supposed to provide a FREE public education. And yet parents spend anywhere between $100 - $500 per child per year on school fees and supplies.
What is it about the word FREE we don't understand?
Check back and find out more about. . .
The lists
The problem
The constitutions
The challenge
The solutions
Ideas to save you money
Ways to investigate this issue further
Just curious - how much will you spend this fall on your children's school supplies?