Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Knowable YOU

Below is an excerpt from my newly released book "Life Saver: The Ultimate Devotional Handbook for Teens" that I co-authored with Todd Hafer, Vicki Kuyper, and Michael J. Klassen.   


I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. Psalm 73:23
Sandra loved going to her neighborhood coffee shop before school. It was the one place where everyone knew her name. The baristas started making her quad skinny caramel espresso before she even crossed the threshold. They smiled and asked her whether her chemistry teacher was still a pain. They kept track of how many days until summer. Sandra wished she could feel as visible in her school as she did in this coffee shop.

As high schools go, Lakeview High was large, boasting more than 2,000 students. The school tried to make it easier for students to adjust to a large school by offering dozens of clubs, but for many it still felt like an impersonal sea of bodies moving from class to class. Sandra walked those halls believing she was a ghost - unseen and unknown. She would often catch a glimpse of other "spirits" across the courtyard or in a corner of the library. They felt the same way she did, but no one wanted to acknowledge it. They felt alone in the midst of thousands.

There's a difference between being alone and being lonely. You can be at your best friend's party and still feel completely alone. You may think no one notices you. The truth is that the God of the universe, the Maker of heaven and earth, notices. In fact, He knows you by name. He is always there, sight unseen, in your midst. He's waiting for you to notice Him from across the crowded room. Who do you think led Sandra to that coffee shop?

This book is full of relevant devotional stories accompanied by calls to action, encouragement and prayer. A great resource for any youth group or church.