When I taught in the public schools, it was always a pleasant surprise for me to discover other Christian teachers in my midst. Somehow God always revealed them to me and I was grateful. But even that knowledge doesn’t break the isolation many teachers feel on a daily basis. We still feel like lonely soldiers, barely holding the line, wondering if anyone will come alongside to hold it with us. Our conversations in the teacher’s lounge aren’t always Christ-like. Our reactions to inequities and injustices don’t always lead anyone else to believe we belong to Almighty God. We look, speak and act the same as everyone else in our school. Even as I run into teachers now at a social gathering or a conference of some kind, the conversations inevitably turn out the same. They are full of disappointment, disillusionment and even despair. I look into their eyes and see broken hearts. I listen to their voices and hear indescribable pain. We walk around believing there is nothing we can do to change our situations, forgetting the power that is already within us - forgetting the only salve that can soothe our raw spirits. The word of God is the only thing that is powerful enough to overcome any and all of our troubles. Coupled with the prayers of other believing teachers, our cries are heard and our spirits can be lifted.
We spend a great deal of time learning about our craft in order to be better teachers. We spend a great deal of energy making ourselves look better on the outside. Yet our spirits are dying inside. Is it that we discount the power of prayer or do we even consider it at all? We all know that more money, new programs or even national certification can’t heal what ails us. Stop trying to fix it all by yourself and submit to the power of the God of the universe, whose unfailing love changes everything! Join together with your brothers and sisters in Christ in your schools and create a prayed-for school. And then watch what God does!
Leave a prayer request in the comment box that allows others to pray for you. I'll pray for you in your school and you pray for me in mine!