News Release
March 3, 2006
Suzanne Toney, SRA/McGraw-Hill, (614) 430-6636, suzanne_toney@mcgraw-hill.com
Melina Metzger, Paul Werth Associates, (614) 224-8114 Ext. 236, mmetzger@paulwerth.com
Winners Will Be Published in an SRA Reading Program
COLUMBUS, Ohio - SRA/McGraw-Hill, a leading elementary education publisher, is launching What’s the Story? - a national contest for teachers and former teachers to submit an original children’s book or poem to be published in a Pre-K-6 reading and language arts curriculum.
“This contest is a chance for teachers who are interested in writing to make a dream come true,” said Peter Sayeski, president of the McGraw-Hill Learning Group, which includes SRA/McGraw-Hill. “We know that teachers have written excellent children’s stories, and we want to offer the opportunity to publish them.”
Contest Guidelines
Any current or former teacher in the United States age 18 or older is eligible to submit fiction or nonfiction stories or poems in either English or Spanish for Grades Pre-K–6. Winning stories will be illustrated and published as individual books in English and Spanish, along with a book collection of winning poems. Winners will receive a cash prize of $1,000 for stories and $500 for poems.
All entries should be submitted at SRAonline.com by December 31, 2006. For a complete list of contest guidelines, visit SRAonline.com. Winners will be announced by May 2007.
Tips for Authors
To help teachers complete this task, SRA is providing tips and support online at SRAonline.com.
“This should be a fun, enjoyable experience for teachers, and SRA plans to provide resources to make this a smooth process,” said Ruth Cochrane, publisher. “We’re excited to read the great works from teachers around the world.”
About SRA/McGraw-Hill
SRA/McGraw-Hill is the top provider of specialized research-based educational programs and professional development for the elementary market. Leading programs include Open Court Reading, Direct Instruction, and Real Math. SRA is part of McGraw-Hill Education, a leading educational publisher and a unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP). Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 290 offices in 38 countries. Sales in 2005 were $6.0 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com. For more information on SRA/McGraw-Hill's products, call 1-888-SRA-4543 or visit SRAonline.com.
Melina Metzger
Account Executive
Paul Werth Associates
88 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 224-8114, ext. 236
Toll free: (877) 577-0017
Fax: (614) 224-8509
E-mail: mmetzger@paulwerth.com