We're coming into the home stretch of the school year. At colleges and universities many students are scrambling to prepare for finals week. We're piecing together final projects, course binders and program portfolios. We're finishing our theses and writing up our conclusions from research studies. We're memorizing flash cards! This is the last opportunity to show what we know.
It's a final hoop to jump through. And for many it is daunting.
What's to be worried about? Finals are a way to basically document what you've learned. Sounds good - in theory. But there is always this gap between theory and practice for some reason.
Finals are designed to be summative
Does that final project, that course binder, or that final exam really show you what I know? I'm not convinced. How much weight should we put on these finals? Should they be one great leap we make or one of many steps we take to get where we want to go?